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2 posters

    America's application

    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 32
    Location : Making messes

    America's application Empty America's application

    Post  Alfred F. Jones Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:48 pm

    Gakuen Academy Application:

    Name(Of student applying): Alfred F. Jones, the hero!

    Country of Origin(Gakuen Academy is know for its wide array of cultures and students from across the globe and we are always interested in those from abroad): The most heroic country, of course, The United States of Awesome!

    Date of birth(Please also include school year.): Best day of the year, duuh! July fourth! I’m a sophomore

    Personality(Please tell us what makes you and what makes you different from other students.): Well, besides the fact that I’m awesome and the hero? I make sure to enforce justice and defeat the bad guys! I’m a little bit nosy – but that’s only ‘cuz there are evil villains out there! And I have to protect everyone, y’know? People say that I’m an airhead and don’t “pay attention to the atmosphere”, but that stuff’s just kinda boring. I’m also super strong! Chyeah! cheers

    Appearance(We must be sure that the student applying is a real person and highly committed and serious about this opportunity.): I’m blond and I have blue eyes, I’m about 5’ 10” and I have glasses, ‘cuz my eyesight kinda sucks a bit. I play football (The awesome kind, not soccer), so I’m pretty muscular, I guess.

    Favorite Subject(What do you excel at?): My favorite subjects are totally science and math. Experimenting and blowing stuff up in Chemistry is pretty fun. People think I’m pretty stupid and don’t “apply myself” or whatever, but I get good grades! I do!

    Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies, Quirks, Goals, Strengths, Weaknesses, etcetera(Any extracurriculars?):
    Likes: Aliens, Blowing stuff up, fireworks, Superman, Heroes, Justice, Hamburgers, and junk food!
    Dislikes: Villains, grumpy people, commies, Russia, spinach, Hannah Montana
    Hobbies: Quick-draw, archaeology, and adventure!
    Quirks: People say I’m pretty loud and I laugh a lot when I’m nervous.
    Goals: To be a hero and an astronaut! I wanna be like Neil Armstrong and go to the moon!
    Strengths: Science, Math, Chemistry, Astronomy, Public Speaking
    Weaknesses: English, Other Languages, Geography, Whispering, Keeping Secrets

    Family(Please list parents and/or parental guardians.):
    I live with my dad Clark Jones and my step mother, Jennifer Williams. They got married when I was, like, one. My real mom left my dad right after I was born, which sucked cuz I never knew her. But anyway, right after they got married my half-brother Matthew was born. He took mom’s name, so he’s Matthew Williams. He’s about a year younger than me.

    Essay Portion(Explain why you should be accepted into Gakuen Academy): Well, if I get into Gakuen Academy I can achieve my dream of becoming a hero and an astronaut! And plus, I'll get to learn good international relations, which is what *every* hero needs, right? Also, I can prove to everyone that I'm awesome and powerful! So, I should be accepted, because I'M THE HERO!
    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    America's application Empty Re: America's application

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:01 pm

    America's application Approved

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