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    Russia's Application~~


    Russia's Application~~ Empty Russia's Application~~

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:58 pm

    Gakuen Academy Application

    Name(Of student applying): Ivan Braginski

    Country of Origin(Gakuen Academy is know for its wide array of cultures and students from across the globe and we are always interested in those from abroad): The Russian Federation (though, due to complicated politics at birth, my birth certificate likely says 'Russian S.S.R., Soviet Union')

    Date of birth(Please also include school year.): December 30, Senior Year

    Personality(Please tell us what makes you and what makes you different from other students.): The expulsion sheets from my last school claims that I am 'prone to being violent', although I can assure my temper is not in the least unstable.

    I have also been called cruel, but I cannot understand such a statement... To be truly honest, I am still very childish, and--ah--as Katyusha once put it, just a little different.

    { neatly written in the margin: he is, admittedly, slightly troubled... }

    Appearance(We must be sure that the student applying is a real person and highly committed and serious about this opportunity.): I am big-boned, no matter what anyone, particularly certain Poles, claim. My hair is a blonde-beige shade, and is cut short. My face is rather round, and my nose is allegedly extremely prominent. My eyes are violet, which, as Eduard told me, means they are truly extremely pale blue, with the blood behind my eyes turning them the colour that they are... but I don't get it.

    Favorite Subject(What do you excel at?): I take to maths quite easily, but I really like dance~ particularly the ballet part...

    Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies, Quirks, Goals, Strengths, Weaknesses, etcetera(Any extracurriculars?):
    Likes: Alcohol (particularly vodka), Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians (the past three perhaps a tad too much), boobs (they remind me of home), Ukrainians, summer, ballet, sunshine

    Dislikes: Poles, Byleorussians, winter, snow, marriage

    Quirks: I have what has been described as a tic ('da') but generally I use it in place of 'yes.' When I am upset, I use the chant 'kolkolkol' because... ah... no-one is about to stop me, da? Others find it unsettling, which suits me.

    Family(Please list parents and/or parental guardians.): While I am not entirely sure of my blood parents, my older sister Katyusha always acted as mother to me. As for my younger sister, Natalya... we are not married and never will be. Please disregard her statements.

    Essay Portion(Explain why you should be accepted into Gakuen Academy): I am a very nice person most of the time, though my mentality is a little... off.

    While there is every reason to deny this application, I will only say one thing in... persuasion.

    I will kill you.

    {"You can't write a paper like that!"

    "Watch me, Eduard," he replied in a monotone.

    "You'll get r-rejected, like last time!"

    A pause. "Go defragment your hard drive."

    A sigh. "Yes, sir."
    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Russia's Application~~ Empty Re: Russia's Application~~

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:30 pm

    Russia's Application~~ 1g7gu-approved

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