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    Swedens Application

    Berwald Oxenstierna
    Berwald Oxenstierna

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-08-19
    Age : 28
    Location : The Heart of Dixie, Dixieland, USA

    Swedens Application Empty Swedens Application

    Post  Berwald Oxenstierna Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:24 pm

    Name (Of student applying):
    Berwald Oxenstierna

    Country of Origin(Gakuen Academy is know for its wide array of cultures and students from across the globe and we are always interested in those from abroad):

    Date of birth(Please also include school year.):
    June 6, Senior

    Personality(Please tell us what makes you and what makes you different from other students.):
    I'm quiet, but rather large. People tend to misjudge me because of my size.

    Appearance(We must be sure that the student applying is a real person and highly committed and serious about this opportunity.):
    I have short, light blond hair and greenish-blue eyes. I wear a long blue overcoat with a matching hat, a black shirt and tie, and black pants, gloves, and boots; I also wear glasses

    Favorite Subject(What do you excel at?):
    Architecture, and History

    Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies, Quirks, Goals, Strengths, Weaknesses, etcetera(Any extracurriculars?):
    Likes: Architecture, art, debates/argumentsDislikes: Being misjudgedHobbies: Building furniture, artQuirks: Very quiet, but actually very playfulGoals: To have a great Furniture Company, and to be more open.Strengths: Building,Math,Lifting things, being quiet.Weaknesses:English, Science

    Family(Please list parents and/or parental guardians.):
    Wife: Tino Väinämöinen
    Adopted son: Peter Kirkland

    Essay Portion(Explain why you should be accepted into Gakuen Academy):
    I should be accepted into Hetalia Gakuen because you need someone with my talents. I will also be of great use if the building were to ever be damaged by a natural causes...or un-natural causes.

      Current date/time is Wed Jul 03, 2024 7:17 pm