Unrelated Nations

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Unrelated Nations


5 posters

    Sex Education Self-taught

    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 34
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Feliciano Vargas Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:56 pm

    The squirrell suddenly touched the wrong part of the electrical line it was standing on and died a horrible fiery bajillion volt death. Feli cringed and turned away from the window. However, inside the room was similarly disturbing. It appeared that Ludwig was suddenly being kissed by that French boy. His eyes widened. What was going on?
    Francis Bonnefois
    Francis Bonnefois

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    Age : 39
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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Francis Bonnefois Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:58 pm

    Francis did as he was told and moved his hands slowly down to Ludwig's hips, kissing up his jawline up to his ear. He murmured, "Are you enjoying this?"

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Invité Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:01 am

    Lovino stared from his seat. This was completely nauseating. He looked down at his empty notebook and decided to draw something, not that he was good at drawing. But he didn't really care, as long as it distracted him from the chaos that was going on.

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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Ludwig Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:03 am

    Ludwig didn't reply. COULDN'T reply. Either answer would either please Francis or cause him to work harder to make sure he DID enjoy it. Not to mention his brain was a little fuzzy right now. He settled for answering with another question: "What do you think, frog?"
    It also just occurred to Ludwig that, moments ago, he had just outed himself as gay. Great.
    Antonibro F-Carriedo
    Antonibro F-Carriedo

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2010-08-29
    Age : 38
    Location : On Lovino's churro ;D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Antonibro F-Carriedo Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:07 am

    Antonio smirked at the German's reply and obvious loss of composure. He had always thought that Gilbert's little brother was too uptight. No, that wasn't good, not at all! He needed to relax for once or all the stress would be bad for him!

    "Now, at this stage, where the male is feeling more comfortable, you should squeeze in a few gropes of their ass, just for fun!"
    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 34
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Feliciano Vargas Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:09 am

    Feli couldn't watch this. He looked back out, but the singed Peeta-squirrel was dead on the ground and not visible. A funny looking greyish bird flew down towards it, and Feli tried to focus on that instead. And not class. Because that was making his stomach hurt. And that, he decided, was probably a bad thing.

    Posts : 75
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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Ludwig Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:12 am

    Ludwig's head whipped around to epically stare at Antonio. "WAS?!"
    Ass groping?! Oh, hell, he was NOT expecting this.

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Invité Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:14 am

    Lovino looked down at his notebook, and the crappy quality of his cross-hatching. He frowned a bit, then looked up, noticing that the chaos continued. He heaved an annoyed sigh and gathered up his things. Seriously, this is just ridiculous, he thought as he walked back towards the front of the classroom. "You bastards have fun. I'm leaving before this gets out of hand," he said as headed towards the door. Lovino was pretty much used to cutting class. He figured that one more cut wasn't going to kill him.
    Antonibro F-Carriedo
    Antonibro F-Carriedo

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2010-08-29
    Age : 38
    Location : On Lovino's churro ;D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Antonibro F-Carriedo Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:15 am

    Antonio smiled back teasingly at the flustered German.

    "Yeah! He just has to grope you a bit down there...back there....would you prefer if he groped you..in the front?" he asked, his grin widening, "But that wouldn't be appropriate!"

    His grin faded when Lovino Vargas suddenly got up and left. "Oh...uh...adios, Lovi..."
    Francis Bonnefois
    Francis Bonnefois

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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Francis Bonnefois Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:17 am

    France reached down and groped Ludwig, pulling him closer, still kissing his neck and jawline before any more discussion could be made.
    Honhonhonhon, the German is confused

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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Ludwig Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:22 am

    Ludwig's eyes widened. This was bad. VERY bad. There was a REASON he didn't want to be groped in the front. THINGS were happening. And being this close to Francis didn't help.
    Ludwig growled. Damn. Damn damn damn damn damn. He tried to shove Francis away.
    Antonibro F-Carriedo
    Antonibro F-Carriedo

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2010-08-29
    Age : 38
    Location : On Lovino's churro ;D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Antonibro F-Carriedo Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:37 pm

    Antonio was getting kind of uncomfortable, for once in his oh so wonderfully oblivious life, watching Francis and Ludwig so close together. He glanced at Feliciano, Lovino's younger brother, and kind of felt guilty for some sort of weird reason. His mind drew up a blank as he tried to think of something to say.

    "Uhh...uhhh....and at this point, it's alright to improvise! You can take it from here, right, Francis? Finish up quickly and we might have time for a song or two!"

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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Ludwig Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:27 pm

    Ludwig whipped his head around to Antonio again, since France had his in a vise grip. "Was?! Improvise?" Ludwig did NOT like that idea. He looked around the classroom, spotting Italy. He thought he felt his heart break.
    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 34
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Feliciano Vargas Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:33 pm

    Feli was now near tears. From where he was sitting-- the stereotypical window desk that ALL main characters seem to sit by so frequently that it's just creepy-- it looked... It looked like Ludwig was enjoying what was going on. Well, why shouldn't he? I mean, it's not like he has any reason not to... He felt his eyes well up, hoping no one noticed. It was really silly to cry.
    Francis Bonnefois
    Francis Bonnefois

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    Age : 39
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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Francis Bonnefois Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:28 pm

    Francis wiggled his eyebrows at Spain's comment, "Improvise? Honhonhonhon.."
    He kissed down Ludwig's jawline and tenderly kissed his mouth. Zees ees so easy. Seducing inexperienced people. 'Ee weel be begging for more een no time Wink Aii even bet zat 'ee eez hard from zees. Francis decided to check if his statement was true. His hand slowly moved to Ludwig's front. Honhonhonhonhonhonhonhon~


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    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Ludwig Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:42 pm

    Ludwig shoved Francis roughly again, finally succeeding in getting away. "Was solls, Franzose! Das geht VIEL zu AIBA über die Linie!" he scowled. He did a quick look around the room, feeling his heart shatter again at seeing Italy, and stormed from the room with as much dignity as one can have with a 'problem'.
    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 34
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D

    Sex Education Self-taught - Page 3 Empty Re: Sex Education Self-taught

    Post  Feliciano Vargas Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:24 pm

    He wasn't even aware of what he was doing. He didn't feel himself stand up. He didn't feel the desk topple over. He didn't notice any eyes on him. He didn't even remember racing out of the classroom, until he realized he was standing in the long corridor. "Doitsu!"

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