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2 posters

    Hetalia RPG Plot

    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Hetalia RPG Plot Empty Hetalia RPG Plot

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:51 pm

    War has broken out in the countries of Rannev and Saenel. It is suspected that Rannev's national treasure, which keeps it from decaying into obscurity, has been stolen by Saenel. You're living as a citizen of Rannev. With such a place, there are many different trades one can learn.

    Archer This character uses ranged weaponry to target their enemies. However, they get lost when facing crowds. Their instincts and senses are sharpened.

    Bard The most useless character ever. They don't do anything but sing songs. They are quite popular with the ladies for some reason.

    Gunner The same as Archer, only with guns.

    Mage A clever manipulator of spells and magic who can bend reality to their well, sometimes without success.

    Priest The holiest of holy men. Their lives are devoted to healing or protecting others with spells. Their fighting skills are less than satisfactory.

    Summoner A wise magic-user who is more in touch with their spiritual side and can conjure objects to do things for them, such as laundry.

    Thief Thieves are sneaky and quick, as well as cunning and sly, but will go down easily in a fight. They will steal from you with ease, however.

    Warrior A strong short-ranged character. They don't have much use for magic, but they're masters with swords. They're not very smart; think brawn over brains.

    Remember, no character is invincible and they cannot use spells/weaponry higher than their level.
    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D

    Hetalia RPG Plot Empty Re: Hetalia RPG Plot

    Post  Feliciano Vargas Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:38 pm


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