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2 posters

    Nine in the Afternoon.

    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:12 pm

    Technically, Arthur wasn't breaking the rules. He wasn't smoking inside the dorm, per say. He had moved his patriotic laptop onto his bed and cleared off his claimed desk and opened the window, where he was now perched, cigarette dangling from his fingertips over the hedges (in desperate need of a trim) that resided outside of the dorms. Really, if he was bored enough, he could light a fire, see how everyone would react. As amusing as that would be, however, he'd mostly get expelled on multiple accounts (smoking in the dorm, murder, arson) and he needed this scholarship for his family.

    It was a nice day. Such a pity he didn't appreciate it much. The sun, while it beamed happily to some, only beat harshly on his pale skin. He much preferred the cool, damp weather of London. But, this wasn't London. Here, the sun shined down without a care, showering the world with it's sickening glow. Students were sunbathing on the lawn, uniforms hitched up to catch rays and heat.
    Arthur looked away in disgust. Nothing was appealing about scantily clad whores seeking attention. Such as that Frog, he thought with disgust.

    The room was unbearably hot (outside was significantly cooler), but Arthur couldn't bring himself to leave the room. Instead, he settled for opening the windows and the door to the adjoining room. He'd been told someone was moving in today. He hoped it would be someone interesting and intelligent. However, he figured it would be some snobby rich boy. With a snort of disgust he took another drag from his cigarette, pulling out his lighter with his free hand, flicking the fire on and off.
    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Making messes

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Alfred F. Jones Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:22 pm

    Alfred hauled the last of the boxes into his new dorm. Damn, it's hot in here, Alfred thought, wiping beads of sweat off of his red face. He wished his brother's flight from Toronto hadn't been delayed; stupid snowstorms. How did Canada have snowstorms in the fall anyways? It was hot as blazes here, yet Matthew was probably shivering in some Canadian airport. Alfred snorted, contemplating the ridiculousity of the situation. Of course, he got stuck with moving all the boxes and unpacking.

    Alfred was extremely glad his half-brother was going to be rooming with him this year. At his last school, he arrived late and thus had no roommate. And of course, that had TOTALLY sucked.

    While stretching his arms toward the ceiling, Alfred noticed the open door opposite his bed. It must be the connecting dorm room, Alfred contemplated. Deciding to go and take a look around, he strode in, startled by the sight of another person.

    "Hello there! I'm Alfred F. Jones, from America!" Alfred was completely unfazed, and completely oblivious to his own obnoxiously loud voice.
    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:33 pm

    The moment Arthur set eyes on Alfred, he felt attraction. The moment Alfred opened his mouth, he felt loathing. The boy, although very handsome, was extremely loud, extremely obnoxious, and extremely American. All three, Arthur detested.

    With a long drag from his cigarette, Arthur made a show of stomping out the butt with his boot, before brushing the ashes outside and climbing off the desk to stand in front of Alfred. He crossed his arms, aware of the flush on his cheeks (from the heat of the room!) and the cool of his piercings against his lip, tongue, nose, ear, cartilage and eyebrow. He felt stand-offish and hyper aware of everything, for some odd reason.

    With a scowl, he dignified the American with a response, "Kirkland. Arthur Kirkland. The UK."
    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Making messes

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Alfred F. Jones Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:39 pm

    The boy turned around, and Alfred blinked. His new dorm mate was...

    Alfred didn't even know how to describe him. So, he just stood there, grinning like an idiot. He noticed the permanent scowl etched on the boy's face, and wondered if he was perpetually grumpy.

    When the boy spoke, Alfred couldn't help but snicker. It was too cliche. The accent, the way he introduced himself.

    "Oh, so YOU'RE England? I was expecting someone... older. And you like James Bond? You must! Since you introduced yourself like him and everything. Oh wait, did I say I was from America? I am America. Great old America!" Alfred babbled noisily, vaguely aware of the sneer fixed on Arthur's face.
    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:57 pm

    The fact that this American idiot kept grinning only made Arthur's scowl deepen. What the hell was so goddamn wonderful that the boy had to go around looking like he was on happy pills? Then, of course, the American had the audacity to snicker at him. Rage bubbling in his chest, burning his cheeks.

    "No, you bloody git. I don't like James Bond. And I'm not "England". You may address me as Kirkland and nothing else," he sniffed with disdain. "It was quiet and peaceful before you arrived," he muttered unhappily.
    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Making messes

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Alfred F. Jones Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:32 pm

    Alfred stepped back, a bit annoyed with Arthur's grumpiness. Now it was making him grumpy. Alfred hated being grumpy, since it made him hungry.

    Ignoring Arthur's frustrated outburst, Alfred went ahead and paced around his new dorm mate's room.

    "Who are you going to be rooming with? My brother and I will be rooming together! My brother's name is Matthew, you know, and he's from Canada! He was supposed to be here by now... but nooooo," Alfred exclaimed happily.

    He examined a small, toy soldier perched on the empty bookshelf, picking it up to see it better.

    "Hey! This is cool, what is it? Where'd you get it?" Alfred asked, hoping the Brit wouldn't be so rude in his response.
    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:37 pm

    "Bloody git, put that down!" Arthur cried. What kind of idiot picked up someone's things without permission? An American kind! The bubble of dislike only grew. He strode over to Alfred and plucked the soldier from the boy's hands, placing it back in the shelf. "Didn't you mother teach you not to touch something without asking?" He demanded harshly, scolding the boy. He was probably spoiled and given too much affection.

    "Now if you are done touching my things, please kindly get your sodding arse out of my room," he spoke through gritted teeth, feeling twitchy and on edge. Damn, he needed another cigarette, especially with this bumbling bafoon as a dormmate of sorts.
    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Making messes

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Alfred F. Jones Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:41 pm

    "Hey! No need to get snarky," Alfred retorted, slowly beginning to lose his temper. "I meant no harm!"
    Nonetheless, he gently put the soldier back down on the shelf. All this yelling was making him hungry, and he had a milkshake waiting for him in his refrigerator.

    "Well, see you around, roomie!" Alfred left his dorm mate's room, closing the connecting door behind him.

    Man... that was interesting... Alfred thought, intrigued with his strange dorm mate.
    Arthur Kirkland
    Arthur Kirkland

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2010-07-01

    Nine in the Afternoon.  Empty Re: Nine in the Afternoon.

    Post  Arthur Kirkland Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:48 pm

    With a loud groan of irritation, Arthur flopped - face first - onto his bed, burying his face into a pillow. Oh, goddammit. Of all the irritating roommates to have it had to be this one! The idiot who idiotically touched things without permission; the idiot who spoke in a loud, idiotic attention-hogging voice; the idiot with idiotic sparkling blue eyes; the idiot who was so idiotically, obliviously attractive; the idiot who -

    Another loud groan. One would think someone so idiot would leave his thoughts. However, it seemed just the opposite. Arthur couldn't help but thing of Alfred more, after the ball of endless energy had left. Oh dammit. Oh, sodding, bloody, fucking dammit. This certainly did not bode well at all.

    No matter how hard he tried to deny it, Arthur had felt a spark of attraction for Alfred. Oh, bugger.

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