Unrelated Nations

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Unrelated Nations


2 posters


    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 34
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D


    Post  Feliciano Vargas Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:58 pm

    Alfred, Arthur, Doitsu, and I were having a very slow, not-really-talking-much, boring-our-roleplayers chats. So Sarah decided to google Random. What she found amazes us all. The random Paragraph generator. You type in two names and it creates a nonsensical (often perverted)paragraph. These are the results.

    "Ludwig punts. The conscience relaxes with whatever reactionary! The tiger finishes without Feli. Feli blocks the philosophy. The qualifying harmony crawls beside the proposed bathroom."

    "The cumbersome fiddle strikes near the vain bell. The idiotic tube cheats in Arthur. Arthur consults Alfred. The actor escapes around a manual bay. Arthur nicks Alfred outside a philosophy. Does Alfred rope a number?"

    "Charlie Brown differentiates Lucy next to the tutorial brand. The lavatory demonstrates Lucy opposite the slogan. Can Lucy quibble? When will Lucy venture Charlie Brown?"

    "Maddie terrifies Noah. Underneath Maddie withdraws Noah. This well cants Noah. The sarcasm forgives a sounded commentary without a nest. Maddie doles the triangle within the deed."

    "Sirius stakes the divorce into each bent spur. The alarm indexes Sirius with the sunny wombat. The flag spits? The boot tunes Sirius. Remus gangs the outcome with a fifth performance. A filled marriage pumps after Remus. "

    "Sirius fudges the python. The welcomed reflex values a psychologist. Lupin creates a straight diner above the quantum. Sirius gloves the salary."

    "James compresses Lily below the sigh. The natural criminal stumbles. Lily highlights a clothed symphony outside the documentary outlook. Lily charges James. James guides a brick."

    "Why can't Lily process a halting needle? James offends beneath Lily. James maps Lily. Why does Lily degenerate? Next to James migrates Lily."

    "When can the sarcastic attendant stir Milk? The unpleasant lecture stamps opposite the wrist. On top of The oreo poses the rank steel. An arena loosens The oreo past the envelope. Why won't Milk trek? The flooded player salts the postage."

    "The geometry twists McG. McG persecutes a driving debt outside the fur. Towel Boy suspects McG. The overpriced curriculum weathers McG on top of the indicator."

    "A chamber exceeds McGoogles above a mature egg. A symphony cracks over the restricting stamp. An any future breaches McGoogles. How does his variant run? How can McGoogles receive Dumbledore?"

    "When can Sirius Black farm? Remus Lupin redefines Sirius Black. On top of her covered zone faints Remus Lupin. Remus Lupin dishes a homosexual alliance."

    "A helicopter reads! The perfect project pushes the refrain. Germany escapes Italy under a wiser chief. Italy drives Germany. A beard reaches Germany."

    "Under Voldy reigns the available keystroke. Bellatrix charms the awaited diagram inside the big variance. Into the village spins Bellatrix. Bellatrix walks with a sabotage."

    "The symbol issues from the seen cousin. America scores around another innovative stomach. A cynic simulates England. The contract stalls into a gas!"

    "Sirius Black ditches a wit. With a stark handbook thinks Remus Lupin. Sirius Black escapes an encouraging substance. The isolate female treks beneath any person. Sirius Black causes Remus Lupin beneath the formula. Remus Lupin recovers past Sirius Black."

    "England retracts near the forest. A coin crashs into our nasty interview inside the colleague. The halted friend exits over the boy. England finances America. England garbles America. The textbook tunes America without the ambassador."

    "The trigger mothers Germany below our exhausting policeman. The reliable recruit presents a flush smoke. Italy originates throughout the expanding island. Italy sighs behind a penguin. Italy asks the lion. Italy laughs within an inspiring meat."

    "Snape experiments with your principal on top of the arithmetic. Snape errs underneath a shadow. Snape rephrases Lucius into the opening constituent. Within Snape slides Lucius. "

    "Ginny relaxes! Ginny mirrors Hermione. Should Hermione faint over Ginny? Hermione butters the triumph. How can the compelled inverse slide below Hermione? Across a python thinks the sand."

    "Albus blinks the analyzed cricket. A most breach boggles beside another wrapped moon. Should Gellert mend near a mailed seal? A minister rules Albus against the flaw. Can the transported marriage dance the bound dealer?"

    "How does Fabian split with an alphabetic hindsight? Caradoc leans against Fabian with the practised pace. The killing cycle cracks. The twist elaborates Fabian. Fabian trips under Caradoc. Caradoc creates Fabian beneath the economical problem. "

    "McGoogles confirms the unofficial tailor behind the sky. Towel Boy apologizes past her key. McGoogles instructs Towel Boy opposite the self lifestyle. Towel Boy clogs McGoogles. When can McGoogles dine in this broad burden? The hardback affair tastes Towel Boy."

    "Greece flavors Japan. Its triple disaster stops. Greece flaggeds a mill across an unsuspecting captain. When can Japan squash Greece? Greece arrives beneath the road. "

    "Black exhausts the overhead chance past the tax. Black stretches opposite Lupin. Lupin fouls a winter past the halting teenager. Lupin grows against a taxi. Why can't the traveled thesis fight the aspect?"

    "Padfoot scans this skill underneath the devoted gradual. The undone gate spins next to Padfoot. Padfoot leaks! Padfoot swallows across Moony. A captain shines? Moony results before the sun."

    "A lane door observes England. A sect advances! A civilian updates the pain with another silent spray. England waves against an obsolete sponsor. Why won't America indulge?"

    "The sister refrains below a lunchtime. Another bowl flips? England invalidates the face. America beams! How can the fence cough against America? How does the skin estate rot England? "

    "When can Liech cry in Vash? Liech wrongs the coin beneath the shortest danger. Liech gasps opposite the practical discharge. The else rail refuses the warm with the hypothetical priest. The performing quantum rules under the filter. A fond chamber rails. "

    "A game flesh studies Sirius near the uneasy poke. Why does the promise rock? Remus steals Sirius in a merry groan. Remus reclaims the why. An arguable lawn compliments the plastic throughout a slow singer."

    "The target absorbs my rural fudge. Will gladdens the designer throat outside the prejudice. Will experiences the lyric cheat. Will finishes beside the intermediate cassette. Will garbles Sue below the sixty bugger. "

    "Lupin treats Black. Lupin sneaks over the mouse. Black degenerates beside the recorder. Lupin kicks Black into a funeral. "

    "The induced fuel shies away against your symmetric cheat. Draco whistles Harry beneath the sponsor. Draco scandalizes the space beneath the mined potato. The doctrine intervenes across Harry. Why does Draco thirst around the champion? Draco lands Harry. "

    "Lupin lowers Black around the engine. Black flies within a proud past. The jargon ribbons Black opposite the limb. A reflex laughs beneath Black. Black degenerates on top of a synthesis. Black disappoints the carbon."

    "Should Remus grab Sirius? Remus deposits Sirius. Remus waffles into the teapot. Throughout Sirius migrates Remus."

    "The blast expires? A specified paperback cooks Penny. The nearest fiddle exemplifies Billy. A wrapper recommends Penny. Penny shares a manpower. The collective bonus bolts Billy in a starred transmitter. "

    "The duck reflects Edmund. The hope crashes opposite The Marauders. Edmund honors any indent. Why can't the bankrupt courier fume? Your staircase crafts Edmund inside the creed. "

    "The president acknowledges its atheist elevator behind our defect. Sarah riots Italy. Sarah reckons within Italy. Italy recognizes a maintained singer. "

    "Arthur waits behind this applicant. The race loves the leisure. Arthur earths the oar across a material. Outside a flower composes a terminator. Francis rocks with Arthur. Francis enhances the social pit. "

    "Throughout HRE tries Chibitalia. HRE rants against Chibitalia. A supreme conforms! Our guided ladder argues. HRE bangs against Chibitalia outside an arc."

    "This makes sense... HRE attacks past Chibitalia. HRE reiterates Chibitalia. The sore walks into a fool! Why can't the indent flower above a saved revolutionary? "

    "The scanner chalks into the sky. Lovino rolls on top of an arrow. Lovino heads the editor across the lurking recruit. Meimei faints beside the valley. Meimei intervenes behind a banana. A terrible drivel resumes Lovino near the insect. "

    "Hamlet defect with the considered paranoid? The clothed medicine rains down upon the booklet within its talking conduct. Should its memory roll outside Hamlet? Ophelia revenges the continent. The considerate plague duplicates the whale. Ophelia nests Hamlet."

    "Germany warms to Italy outside the sound grammar. How can the earned office tone the terse crack? A homosexual verb manufactures Italy within the chapter. Germany terrifies an assistance on top of a minded agony. Below Germany pretends the model. The baby deduces Italy within the thoroughfare. Germany invades Italy."

    "Gellert Grindelwald enlightens the glorious fascist. Albus Dumbledore orders Gellert Grindelwald inside the practicable badge. Will an explosive research choose past the lover? The shortened year tunnels a unifying craft. Can the tool mount the betting hash? Albus Dumbledore bays under the alternative. "

    "Why does Italy breeze? Germany riots with whatever epic domestic. The fluffy space remembers Germany. The bond bridge beats each strategy. Above Italy leans the wombat. The clearance censors a community glass."

    Italy refines the directory before a horror. The reject encounters an offset. Germany duffs the puzzled commentary opposite a girl. The rubber identifier swallows the crossword. "

    "Maddie strikes within Noah. Noah sockets Maddie below a valve. Maddie sights Noah against the polish bird. Why won't the accountant thirst into Noah?"

    "Snape loses. Should Lily smoke the spur? The master consults the blue house. A chorus flavors Lily within a mature producer. Does Snape drink Lily?"

    "Edmund oppresses Sirius. A filmed panel watches Edmund. How does Sirius produce Edmund? The renewed spit bounces outside Sirius. Edmund suits Sirius. A steer furthers a public into the truncate recipe. "

    "An irony march mandates a chocolate. Why does a lord invade an independent gateway? Ed devotes Winry underneath a cluster. The licenced chamber camps. The fast accused bubbles. The chair activates Winry after the rubber"

    "The distracted politician kids with Arthur. Alfred swallows! Her poke acts opposite Arthur. Why can't the recent hate trek in Alfred? Arthur chooses below Alfred. The pragmatic cyclist gasps in Arthur."
    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Making messes


    Post  Alfred F. Jones Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:03 pm

    Feliciano Vargas
    Feliciano Vargas

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2010-07-02
    Age : 34
    Location : Hiding behind Germany, probably. :D


    Post  Feliciano Vargas Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:44 pm

    "How will the potato riot? Below Ludwig decays Feliciano. Ludwig elaborates before the parent. Feliciano withdraws before Ludwig."

    "Alfred attends! Throughout Arthur boils Alfred. Arthur tries opposite a rope. Alfred closes Arthur around the scaled deposit. Arthur bows Alfred. Alfred flaggeds the axis. " I don't know why I was flaggeded. Or what that is...


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